Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mile 1,997.4 - 2,006.9

We're in no rush this morning. It's only 10 miles to highway 20, where we hitch into the town of Sisters, Oregon. The highlight this morning was reaching the 2,000 mile mark of the PCT. How is it possible to walk 2,000 miles. It's unbelievable that the human body can do this. It's just one foot in front of the other, millions of times. It's been said that thru-hiking the PCT takes six million steps for all 2,660 miles of it. 2,000 miles is a huge milestone for us, but we are far from finished. 
We reached highway 20 at 10am and shortly after were joined by our hiking friend "Trek". So the three of us stood on the highway with our thumbs out looking for a ride into the town, which is 20 miles away. A long hitch, but we need food. After a half hour of no luck, two other thru-hikers pop out of the woods and join us. Now 5 hikers are looking for a ride. It's not good to hitch with that many people. Not many buses stop for hikers. The last two to arrive noticed that and moved down the road to spread out. We waited almost two hours until Trek called the Post Office looking for a trail angel's phone number. He got one and called her. She came right out to get us. We were happy to finally have a ride. Wouldn't you know that minutes later, not even hitching, a man stops to ask if we need a ride to town. Unreal! 
Nice to be in town eating and resting. Thunderstorms came in the afternoon so it was great to be indoors.

Amazed to be standing at the 2,000 mile mark. How did I get here? Is this all just a dream or did I really walk 2,000 miles?

Balance and I still remember the 2,000 mile mark on the AT. I'm sure we won't forget this one either. Congrats to my hiking and life partner, Balance. It's been another amazing adventure.

Dealing with more fire issues. We hope they are out by the time we get there.

Balance picking blueberries right from the trail. 

1 comment:

  1. WOW. 2000 miles. That is an unbelievable amount of footsteps. Congratulations to Balance and Y-Knot and all the other thru hikers that have made it this far. This is indeed a milestone.

    WA awaits!!!!!!!!!
