Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mile 83 - 103.1


This was a life saver. It's called 3rd gate water cache. Local trail angels lug hundreds of gallons of water to this location every year because it would be a 32 mile waterless stretch without it. You take only 2 liters at most leaving some for the hikers behind you.

We have hiked 100 miles of the PCT. Only 2,563 miles to go, but who's counting.

It is very dry and very hot here in Southern California's desert. The sun is relentless from sunrise to sunset. We hide in the what little shade we can find during our breaks just to get out of the sun.

Yes, this is a water supply for hikers. A cattle trough, but happy to have it. Of course we must filter this water. Balance saw tadpoles swimming in it. We have no choice, we need water. We drink up to 10 liters a day. 4 liters is about 8 pounds. You do the math.

We cooked an early dinner here at Boiling Springs and hiked on a few miles after hoping it would be cooler. It wasn't. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow--mile 100 already! Very funny about the washing machines breaking down. Good "life on the trail" pics, especially the contrast in water sources. That cattle trough looks quite dubious, and knowing it is a cattle trough does not help. Hope the cows were far, far away.
