Friday, June 27, 2014

Mile 923.1. - 942.0

The sunrise we had this morning was spectacular. By the time we woke the sun was warming our tent, which is rare either because of mountains or trees blocking the sunrise. Thousand island   lakes was glowing with sunshine, making a reflection on the lake.
We first had to climb Island Pass, which was not more than a big bump, but next up was the much larger and 11,000' Donahue Pass. It was a 5 to 6 mile climb with a lot of switchbacks but pretty good scenery. After Donahue Pass it was all downhill or flat to Tuolumne Meadows, where we plan to camp for the night. It is a real campground and has a general store and grill. Our first stop was the grill as we ate dinner there. Tomorrow morning we will pick up some more food at the store and head back out on the PCT. The JMT now heads a different direction towards Yosemite Valley for about 17 miles where it ends.

Amazing reflection of banner peak on Thousand Island Lake.

Y-Knot hiking out of camp early this morning.

Y-Knot and Banner Peak.

Balance and Sizzler in deep snow cups ascending Donahue Pass.

The summit of Donahue Pass and our lunch spot for today.

The last 8 miles were like this. With these flat meadow miles we were able to make the 5pm closing of the grill at the tuolumne camp store.

1 comment:

  1. See you later, Sizzler. When will you cross paths again?
